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Staff Roles

On Cloud Gaming, we have 4 levels of Staff on the server. The first 3 levels deal with reports in game. Super Admin deals with management side of the server, Staff complaints, applications etc. 

Been active on the server for 5 consecutive days prior to your application.
Being active on the forums and Discord is a bonus.
If your application is declined, you may re-apply again within the time stated on your application.

You must have served as an active moderator for at least 1 week.
You must of had at least 10 hours on duty
If your application is declined, you may re-apply again within the time stated on your application.

You must have served as an administrator for at least 2 months.
The application must be supported by over fifty percent of staff who are administrator+ or above.
If your application is declined, you may re-apply again within the time stated on your application.

Super Admin
You will be considered for this role after 6 months as Admin+.
After the 6 months you will be up for consideration and if the management team deem you ready you will be invited to Super Admin.
This rank cannot be applied for, it is invitation only.