Money Printers
A Money Printer with no upgrades and a CPU.
The money printer is the primary way to make money. By default, it prints £6000 every 5 minutes.
On the front of the printer you can see the health and the power of the printer.
Once the health reaches 0, the printer will explode.
Once the power reaches 0, the printer will stop printing until you refill it with a charge. You can buy a charge in the F4 menu > Entities.
CPU and Gold CPU
The CPU decreases the time it takes for the printer to print money by 1 minute. This can be further reduced with a Gold CPU (made via crafting) which will reduce the time by a further 0.5 minutes, making the lowest amount of time it can take for a printer just 3.5 minutes!
The master plugin is available to all players. It costs £25000 to add to the printer, and adds an additional £9500 per print.
The VIP plugin is available to players that buy the VIP rank or the Ultimate VIP rank in the token shop. It costs £50000 to add to the printer, and adds an additional £9000 per print.
The gang plugin is available to players in a gang that have purchased the plugin. It costs £20000 to add to the printer, and adds an additional £5000 per print.
The extra plugin is available to players that buy the Extra Printer item in the token shop (125 TKN). It costs £15000 to add to the printer, and adds an additional £5000 per print.
You take take money out of the printer at any time by pressing use while looking at it, but try not to take money out of the printer as soon as it prints! Leaving money in the printer will add a multiplier to how much it makes per print!
Stealing Printers and Self Destruction
Somebody stolen your printer? Worry not! Simply type !selfdestruct in chat to start a countdown of 40 minutes.
If you find your printer while this countdown timer is happening, you can simply press use (E by default) to cancel the timer.
Once the timer is up, the printer will explode.