How to become Mayor?
Becoming Mayor
To become Mayor, you first need to enter the election. You can do this by speaking to the Mayor's Secretary at PD. It costs £5,000 to enter.
Mayor's Secretary
Other players may also enter the election so you may need to convince people to vote for your cause!
Mayoral Duties
As the mayor you are in charge of the Police Force (Civil Protection). You decide the laws of downtown, who gets to have a gun license, and who can receive warrants for a search of their property! As the mayor you cannot enforce the laws yourself. This means you cannot do things such as defend the PD (unless you are defending yourself after being shot!).
Managing Laws
As the Mayor, you are in charge of the laws of Downtown.
To reset the laws to default, run /resetlaws in your chatbox.
To add a law to the lawboard, run /addlaw followed by the law you want in your chatbox. (Example: /addlaw Open Carry is Illegal)
To remove a law from the lawboard, run /removelaw followed by the number on the lawboard. (Example: /removelaw 4 removes the fourth law on the lawboard)
Laws cannot break the server rules, such as making RDM legal or reducing NLR to 30 seconds.
You can also mange laws by running !mayor in chat and clicking Laws.
Managing Gun Licenses
To view the gun license menu, run !mayor in chat to open the advanced mayor menu. Click "Licenses" on the left.
Here, you can Grant or Revoke gun licenses to any player of your choosing.
What a player can do with their gun licenses depends on the laws you choose! You can even make licenses invalid if you choose!
Civil Protection Agenda
The CP Agenda can be seen in the top left corner of all Civil Protection Officer's screens. You can change what this agenda says by running /agenda in chat followed by what you want it to say. (Example: /agenda Follow and Enforce the laws. Find lawbreakers, locate illegal entities and apprehend...)
To run a lottery, simply type /lottery in chat followed by the amount of money you want to charge players to join the lottery.
By default the highest lottery you can run is up to £5000, however you can increase this to up to £55000 with the Lottery Limit skill in /skills > CP.
CP Upgrades
As the mayor, you are in charge of the Upgrades that are provided to the Police Force.
To view the available upgrades, run !mayor in chat and click on Upgrades on the left of the screen.
Available Upgrades:
- Paycheck Bonus - Increases your government team's paychecks.
- Kevlar - Equip your police officers with extra shield.
- Fitness Subscription - Increase Civil Protection Official's walk/run speeds.
- Capacity - Increases your Mayoral Vault/City Funds limits.
- Reinforcements - All Civil Protection Officers receive a Honey Badger.
- Health Insurance - Provides all Civil Protection Officers with extra health.
The cost of these upgrades is taken from the City Funds rather than your pocket.
As the mayor, you can choose the percentage of money that is taken from people's paychecks and added to the city funds.
You can open the taxes menu by running !mayor in chat and clicking Taxes on the left.
You cannot change the amount of tax custom jobs pay.
The max amount of tax you can take is 80%.
Despite appearing on the taxes page, Civil Protection officers do not pay tax.
Make sure you press enter after typing a number into a taxes box!
Managing the Police Force
As Mayor, you can demote Civil Protection Officials if you think they are corrupt, or are incompetent.
To view the Officials menu, run the !mayor command in chat and click Officials on the left.
You can also promote players on this menu.
Falsly demoting players will lead to punishment. Only demote a player if it makes sense within roleplay.
Wanting Players
To make a player wanted, simply type /want [player name] or press E on the player and click Want Player.
Falsly wanting players will lead to punishment. Only make a player wanted if you're sure they broke a law!
Accepting and Creating Warrants
When a member of the police force request a warrant, you will see the warrant request appear on the left side of your screen just like a lottery or demotion.
You can either choose to accept or deny the warrant.
To create a warrant, simply type /warrant [player name] [reason] in chat.
Falsly creating warrants will lead to punishment. Only accept/create warrants if the reason is for a valid law break, such as growing weed or printing money in their base!